The Truth

Saturday, February 6, 2010
8:07 AM

I keep forgetting about this thing. I think it's time for a new post. I mentioned the song "The Truth" by Relient K a couple posts ago... I thought I would write something about it.

Matt Thiessen: "This song was written as a kind of parable using the Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe as an example of when Lucy went into Narnia for the first time, she comes back, and nobody believes her, because it was such an incredible thing. It's kind of the same with our faith - sometimes it's hard to believe that this magical day happened where Somebody died and all of a sudden the woes of the world were gone. And, you know, you have to trust the Word of God that that's what happened."

I thought it was a neat comparison. "This is so unnerving, I know You've never lied to me before." Lucy's never lied to her siblings, but what she tells them is so amazing that they have a hard time believing it. In a similar way, it's overwhelming to think that Jesus would die for us, completely undeserving sinners. Apparently, The Truth (along with their other song, In Like a Lion) was supposed to be included on The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe's "Music Inspired By" album. So when Matt found out that the song wasn't going to make it onto the album, he changed the words so that they fit a relationship with God. One of my other favorite lines in this song is, "But I'll just have to accept that my mind is so inept, and the only thing that's left for me to do is to trust You." We're constantly trying to figure out how God works, but our minds will never be able to fully grasp everything about Him. As my mom said, if He was really so simple that you could understand everything about Him, He wouldn't really be God.

On another note, I really enjoy Matt's vocals in this song. Give it a listen!
And I've collected all these thoughts
And I'm dying just to lose them
And if Your words are true or not
I'll die trying to prove them
But I'll just have to accept
That my mind is so inept
And the only thing that's left
For me to do is to trust You

Convince me
Because I really need Your help
Oh convince me
Because I can't see this for myself

I'll put the emphasis on the evidence
Begging for the proof
Sometimes the hardest thing to believe is the truth

This is so unnerving
I know You've never lied to me before
But the things You're telling me
I can't yet believe
Yet can't ignore
But I'll just have to accept
That my mind is so inept
And the only thing that's left
For me to do is to trust You

Put the emphasis on the evidence
Begging for the proof
Sometimes the hardest thing to believe is the truth
Attempt to place our lives into Your hands
Confide in what You'll do
Sometimes the hardest thing to believe is the truth

It's a world full of cynics
Who say to stay alive in it
You gotta stick with what you know
But the soul is always aching
For the heart to start taking
A chance by letting go

So let go
Let go
Sometimes the hardest thing to believe is the truth
Attempt to place our lives into Your hands
Confide in what You'll do
'Cause sometimes when you're trying to sleep
And all your doubts and your faith don't agree it's 'cause
Sometimes the hardest thing to believe is the truth